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What to see or do in and around Torrejón de Ardoz
Cristina, . Torrejon de Ardoz (Madrid)
A merged and modern hotel
Even if you think there are two different hotels, it's the same one that has merged, modern, comfortable, clean. Just 10 minutes away is a very large shopping center. Highly recommended and with a pool!
Antonia Maria, . Torrejon de Ardoz (Madrid)
Visit to Parque Europa
I really liked the town. Surprising how beautiful Parque Europa is and the magical Christmas in Torrejón.
Yolanda, . Torrejon de Ardoz (Madrid)
Lively area around the hotel
The area around the hotel is lively, with restaurants, supermarkets, pharmacies, etc.
María Luisa, . Torrejon de Ardoz (Madrid)
Comfortable Weekend
The hotel has the necessary services for a comfortable weekend. We were looking for a hotel to see the Christmas park in Torrejón and access Madrid conveniently. The breakfast is varied and the food is of good quality.
Jose Antonio, . Torrejon de Ardoz (Madrid)
Parque Europa and Mágicas Navidades
Parque Europa and Mágicas Navidades are very nice.
Maria Esther, . Torrejon de Ardoz (Madrid)
Magical Christmas in Torrejón
Parque de las Navidades Mágicas, truly magical for children and adults with many activities and photo opportunities and good memories. Torrejón with many services and not just as close to Madrid.
Juan Antonio, . Torrejon de Ardoz (Madrid)
Magical Christmas, incredible experience
We went to see the Magical Christmas, it's an incredible place that everyone should visit once in a lifetime.
Kevin, . Torrejon de Ardoz (Madrid)
Well-kept and quiet city
Very well-kept, quiet city with nearby services.
Antonio, . Torrejon de Ardoz (Madrid)
Central and busy area
Central and busy area.
Miguel Ángel, . Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid)
Highly recommendable place
Highly recommendable place. City with many attractions and alternatives. The Parque Europa is highly recommendable.
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