Hotel Panorama information
Total number of rooms/ accommodation units: 51, reception area, reception, lift(s)number of restaurants overall: 1, restaurant details: terrace, outdoor facilities: neat, equipment: garden, sun terracepool-number overall: 1, sun beds (by availability): at the pool (inclusive), deck chair, parasols (by availability): at the pool (inclusive), parking lots (by availability): on the hotel grounds: inclusive, credit cards: VISA, Mastercardcategory group - 3 starscategory country - 3 starschildren - cots (at an extra charge), amount (payable on site): 5.00 EUR per day, reservation obligatory.Double room balcony (DZO) - shower/WC, Sat.-TV, telephonesafe (inclusive), air conditioning, from 07-2016 to 08-2016, heating, seasonalF/Bhalf board plus (breakfast and dinner), water: 0.5 liter, house wine: 0.25 literbreakfast: buffetdinner: choice out of menusalad bar for dinnerAdditional informationDrinks at dinner: Water 0.5 liter and wine 0.25 liter or 0.2l Softdrink. No pets allowed.
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