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Hotels Oia and other accommodation


Featured hotels Oia

Fotografía de Oia Fotografía de Oia Fotografía de Oia Fotografía de Oia Fotografía de Oia

Questions about hotels Oia

What are the best 5-star or luxury hotels in Oia?

We have 5 star and luxury hotels with very good ratings, in order to find the ones with a 5 star or luxury category, you will be able to filter them among the search results.

What are the top rated hotels in Oia?

We offer top-rated hotels in different categories; you can filter the search results to find them.

Where to find hotels in Oia with parking?

If you are travelling to this town by car, you should look for a hotel or accommodation with parking for greater comfort during your stay. Would you like to know the properties in the area that have this service? Filter the results of your search by selecting the parking service.

How to find cheap hotels in Oia?

To find cheap hotels quickly, sort the list of available hotels by the option: Price (Lowest first)

What to see or do in and around Oia

  • I definitely recommend renting a vehicle in Santorini. It seems they had a pretty decent bus schedule, but we liked having the flexibility to come and go as we wanted with our own rental. 'Hotel Best' was in the perfect location for our family. It was a 2-minute walk to the beautiful black sand beach, restaurants, and shopping. Drive to the 'Light House' was about a 25-minute drive.....amazing views from the Light House. Made a day of driving to the Oia and the blue roof area. Spent our day walking around the shops in Oia and eating the delicious food. Spent another day in the town of Fira. Wonderful, friendly people everywhere. Again, 'Hotel Best' is a great place to make your 'home base' in Santorini. The price is right, and the location is perfect. The decor is a little dated but after a long day of sightseeing and hiking up all those hills the beds are comfy, cozy. Thank you Hotel Best for making our first trip to Greece a wonderful experience and amazing family memories. Fred Chandler, Arizona USA

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