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Hotels in Cantabrian Coasts

Cantabrian Coasts

Featured hotels Cantabrian Coasts

Foto de Santander Santander
  • Foto de Hotel Silken Rio Santander Hotel Silken Rio Santander 8.1

    The hotel features 89 accommodation units. A lobby and a reception are available to guests.…

  • Foto de Hotel Bed4U Santander Hotel Bed4U Santander 9.2


  • Foto de Hotel Santemar Hotel Santemar 8.4

    The air-conditioned hotel Santemar - SANTANDER has a 24h reception, a lobby bar, Wi-Fi, internet…

Foto de Santillana del Mar Santillana del Mar
  • Foto de Posada Camino de Altamira Posada Camino de Altamira 8.2

    La Posada Way Altamira is located between the old famous medieval village of Santillana del Mar and…

  • Foto de Hotel Casa del Marqués Hotel Casa del Marqués 9.0

    This hotel gives the sensation of going back to medieval times but with all modern commodities.…

  • Foto de Hotel Casona Los Caballeros Hotel Casona Los Caballeros 8.8

    The hotel is housed in a palatial mansion of 1708 that belonged to the illustrious D. Leonardo…

Foto de Suances Suances
  • Foto de Hotel Soraya Hotel Soraya 8.4

    The rooms have Telephone, TV, Central Heating, Bathtub and 2 , and among our services and…

  • Foto de Hotel Spa El Muelle de Suances Hotel Spa El Muelle de Suances 8.4

    The iconic Hotel Spa El Muelle de Suances is located right next to the Playa de la Ribera and…

  • Foto de Hotel Mar azul y surf Hotel Mar azul y surf 8.4

    This appealing hotel is located in Suances. It is situated just a 15 minutes' driving distance away…

Questions about hotels Cantabrian Coasts

What are the best 5-star or luxury hotels in Costas Cantábricas?

We have 5 star and luxury hotels with very good ratings, in order to find the ones with a 5 star or luxury category, you will be able to filter them among the search results.

What are the top rated hotels in Costas Cantábricas?

We offer top-rated hotels in different categories; you can filter the search results to find them.

Where to find hotels with parking in Costas Cantábricas?

If you are travelling to this town by car, you should look for a hotel or accommodation with parking for greater comfort during your stay. Would you like to know the properties in the area that have this service? Filter the results of your search by selecting the parking service.

How to find cheap hotels in Costas Cantábricas?

To find cheap hotels quickly, sort the list of available hotels by the option: Price (Lowest first)

What to see or do in and around Cantabrian Coasts

  • Wedding

    Casa Gerardo in Gijon 1 Michelin star restaurant, places to visit are the aquarium, the old town centre of Oviedo, the beaches of Llanes and nearby, eat at any chigre in the area where they give food to bursting, don't miss the cider to drink, visit Luanco and Candas, and continue towards Cantabria, try Santonya anchovies, bonito too, visit the Cueva de los Solaos, La Palya del Sardineo in Santander, and eat at any restaurant in La Ona, fish dishes and seafood.

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