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What to see or do in and around São Paulo
Tin Tanwin, . Guarulhos (São Paulo)
Security concerns in São Paulo
While visiting São Paulo, we noticed that security was a major concern. Every time we went out, the hotel staff or security guard advised us not to show or use our mobile phones in public. This restriction significantly affected our experience, as we couldn’t take photos freely or enjoy the city without worry, which reduced our overall joy. On a positive note, I was surprised to learn that all doctor consultations and medicines are free in São Paulo. This was completely unexpected and truly impressive—perhaps one of the few places in the world offering such a system.
Rodrigo, . Ribeirão Preto (São Paulo)
A one-night stop on a long road trip
This was just a one-night stop on a road trip. We had dinner and breakfast at the hotel but did not leave it, so I cannot say much about the town, although it is well known for being a well-developed town with a historic center featuring a beautiful XIX-th century theater and good restaurants.
Kazuyuki, . São Paulo (São Paulo)
The city itself is a great destination for experiencing Brazilian culture and cuisine. There are other entertainment venues for adults at evenings and weekends like clubs and live music. It is easy to walk around and safe at daytime, but I recommend Uber if you are foreigners and do not speak Portuguese. Most of the locals do not speak English and you may have difficulties when communicating in local restaurants. For well known places, you shouldn't have such a problem. In total, I recommend visiting São Paulo If you want to know Brazil.
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